How to Read the Entire Qurʾān in One Sitting

By Molāna Sadiq Ali

The ability to recite the entire Qurʾān in one sitting is a remarkable achievement that requires dedication, structure, and a deep connection with the words of Allāh. At The Quran Hub, we believe that structured methods help in strengthening memorisation and fluency, making this goal attainable.

If you’re looking to develop this skill, follow this step-by-step approach to build fluency, retain memorisation, and ultimately complete a full recitation of the Qurʾān in one sitting.

1. Start with Quarters: Building the Foundation

📖 Begin by reading the Qurʾān in quarter sections, learning Rukūʿ by Rukūʿ.

📝 Write down all Mutashābihāt (similar verses) to recognise recurring patterns.

🔖 Memorise Sūrah names and page layouts to visualise the Āyāt in your mind.

Reciting the Qurʾān fluently requires a structured and disciplined approach.

Master the art of Qurʾān recitation with a structured method. Build fluency, memorise efficiently, and strengthen your connection with the Book of Allāh.

2. Progress to a Full Juzz

📚 Once you have mastered the quarters, read the entire Juzz in one sitting.

🔄 Repeat this before moving on to the next Juzz, ensuring complete fluency.

3. Combining Juzz for Fluency

To avoid gaps in recitation, follow this process:

🔹 Read two Juzz together before moving to the third.

🔹 Continue until you complete five Juzz, ensuring all are read fluently.

4. Gradual Increase in Recitation

Before attempting to recite five Juzz in one go, use the following pattern:

✅ 1 Juzz daily (5 Days)

✅ 2 Juzz + 2 Juzz + 1 Juzz (3 Days)

✅ 2.5 Juzz + 2.5 Juzz (2 Days)

✅ 3 Juzz + 2 Juzz (2 Days)

✅ Full 5 Juzz in one sitting – read it to someone for correction.

5. This Becomes Your Revision (Dhor)

Once you complete 5 Juzz, this set becomes part of your revision routine, and your new sabaq (lesson) starts from the 6th Juzz.

🗓️ Daily Revision Plan: 🔹 Revise 1-2 Juzz daily from the first 5 Juzz to strengthen retention.

6. Expanding to 10 Juzz

Once you complete another set of 5 Juzz, merge them with the first set and read 10 Juzz in one sitting.

🔄 Follow this approach:

✅ 2 Juzz daily (5 Days)

✅ 2.5 Juzz + 2.5 Juzz (2 Days)

✅ 5 Juzz daily (2 Days)

✅ Full 10 Juzz (1 Day) – read to someone for correction.

🎯 Tip: By now, you should be familiar with the first 5 Juzz, allowing faster fluency..

7. Mastering 15, 20, & 25 Juzz

📌 As you progress, increase the Juzz count gradually using these breakdowns:

At 15 Juzz:

✅ 2.5 Juzz daily (6 Days)

✅ 3 Juzz daily (5 Days)

✅ 5 Juzz daily (3 Days)

✅ 7.5 Juzz daily (2 Days)

✅ Full 15 Juzz (1 Day) – read to someone for accuracy.

At 20 Juzz:

✅ 2.5 Juzz daily (8 Days)

✅ 5 Juzz daily (4 Days)

✅ 10 Juzz daily (2 Days)

✅ Full 20 Juzz (1 Day)

🎯 Note: Once you reach 25 Juzz, it is not necessary to read all 25 in one sitting before moving to 30 Juzz.

8. Completing the Final 30 Juzz

The final stage is the most crucial. Stick to the following structured pattern:

✅ 3 Juzz daily (10 Days)

✅ 5 Juzz daily (6 Days)

✅ 10 Juzz daily (3 Days)

✅ 15 Juzz daily (2 Days)

✅ 20 Juzz + 10 Juzz (2 Days)

✅ 10 Juzz + 20 Juzz (2 Days)

✅ Full 30 Juzz (1 Day)

🔄 Final Step: Once complete, maintain daily revision of 2-4 Juzz to ensure strong memorisation and fluency.

9. Passion: The Key to Success

The most important factor in accomplishing this goal is love for the Qurʾān. True Hifdh should be more than memorisation—it should flow through your veins and become part of your daily life.

💖 May Allāh strengthen our connection with the Qurʾān and grant us the ability to recite it with perfection. Āmeen. 🤲

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