The Safar Qāʿidah has been divided into several sections with each being called a level. In each
level, a new skill or topic will be introduced and covered. The level system has proved to be very
effective in motivating students.
Complete and logical sequence: Each level ensures a gradual, logical progression and fills
the gaps that exist in many current Qāʿidahs. For example, at the end of each level, students are
given mixed exercises for revision and recap everything they have previously learned.
Detailed letter recognition: Many teachers have observed that children often find it
difficult to recognise the various forms and styles that are used for each letter. To tackle this,
we have added a chapter; Advanced Letter Recognition, in which each method of writing is introduced
separately with Qurʿānic examples. Graphics, where necessary, will be used to break down the
writing. For example, which most learners find difficult to read, will be explained using graphics.
Encouragement through virtues: There is a saying of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ at the
beginning of each level, to remind the student of the virtue of learning and reciting the Qurʿān.
At The Quran Hub, a great deal of emphasis is given to expert recitation of the Qurʿān. The first
stage of this is to master the Arabic alphabets and rules of basic pronunciation, using a text known
as the Qāʿidah.
It is obligatory to recite the Holy Qurʿān with proper sounds, articulation, and annotation.
The virtue of an expert reciter has been mentioned in Hadith. The Prophet ﷺ said, “The expert
reciter of the Qurʿān will have the same rank as the noble and honourable scribe angels.”
(Bukhāri 49:37).
Tajweed is an important aspect of recitation, one cannot be proficient in recitation without
mastering the rules of tajweed. At The Quran Hub, emphasis is put in place for learning tajweed,
ensuring; all aspects of recitation are fortified.
It is a responsibility upon every Muslim to make an effort in rectifying their recitation of the
Qurʿān, in order to recite the words of Allah correctly one must possess the basic knowledge and
understanding of makharijul huroof (pronunciation of letters) and sifaat (characteristics of
Imam Ibn-al-Jazri says:
“As it is certainly compulsory upon them before starting the recitation of the Qurʿān to firstly
know, the origin of the letters and their characteristics, so as to pronounce it in the most
eloquent of languages.”
Du’ās and Surahs is a key part of learning at The Quran Hub. Duʿās and Surahs allows students to learn all the du’ās that were recited by our beloved Prophet ﷺ on a daily basis. Book 1 comprises all the basic du’ās and surah sufficient for a student, but we recommend all our students to complete Book 2 which has all advanced Duʿās. These are a set of concise but comprehensive books that help students memorise Surahs and duʿās taught by our beloved Prophet ﷺ. The series teaches authentic du’ās along with their English translation and the virtues of many du’ās in a way that is easy to understand.
Our curriculum is from Safar Publications; providing a robust and comprehensive curriculum to equip learners with the necessary knowledge and tools to develop a deep-rooted love and relationship with Islām. Through learning, understanding and embodying the Qurʿān and Sunnah, users of the Safar curriculum learn to fulfil their religious rites and duties in an informed manner and through a focus on personal development, they grow to make moral choices and decisions as confident Muslims living in a globalised and modern world.
The first book of our Learn Arabic Series, Arabic Handwriting aims to strengthen children’s familiarity with elementary Arabic as well as introduce them to Arabic penmanship.
This book can also be used as a learning aid with the Safar Qāʿidah, whereby writing Arabic will help students build their Arabic reading skills.
Further books in this series are currently under development.
The Safar Islamic Syllabus and Curriculum is being used in over 500 Islamic institutes across 30 different countries.
Safar series expands across all year groups from primary to secondary, ensuring the learning content is appropriate for your child’s age.
Continuous development through the years based on feedback from students, teachers, ʿulamāʾ and hundreds of users around the world.
Safar Islamic series cover all aspects relevant for learners growing up with today’s challenges and opportunities, helping them navigate the pressures of adolescence and preparing them for Muslim life in the 21st century.
Bespoke design and illustrations, professional typesetting, and consideration of visual and auditory learners; all to make learning easier and more engaging.
The expertise input from ʿulamāʾ, qualified teachers, subject experts, Maktab teachers as well as the learners themselves, has allowed Safar Publications to develop a comprehensive syllabus.
Extensive research is undertaken for all books. All stories and sources from the Qurʾan and Sunnah are checked from multiple original sources and our tajwīd/Qurʾan learning system is one of the best available.
As you know, Islam places great emphasis on uprbinging (tarbiyah). Our primary focus is to teach at The Quran Hub with the same values, ethics and morals our beautiful religion teaches us. We have partnered up with Learning with Maryam, to equip parents and students with basic Islamic knowledge. Maryam is a 8 year old girl, who uses Safar Academy books to demonstrate basic knowledge for children and adults. Mashallah, she is a source of inspiration for our younger generation.