Your salary is based on the number of students you teach and the specific lesson structure they follow. For students using the Standard Structure, the approximate monthly wage is £50 per child, equivalent to £4.60 per half-hour session. Payments are issued via bank transfer on the last working day of each month and this includes holiday periods, except for the Summer Holidays, which marks the conclusion of the academic year.
The more time the lesson are i.e. if a parent opts for our Premium Package, with longer 40-minute lessons (instead of 30 minutes) held three times a week, your pay will vary accordingly. The exact amount depends on the specific students assigned to you based on their chosen package.
To calculate your wage, simply divide our base hourly pay of £9.20 by 60 minutes to determine your per-minute rate. Then multiply this rate by the amount of minutes you teach, followed by multiplying # of days you teach per week. Then, multiply the total (weekly amount) by ±38 (academic weeks of teaching) and divide the annual total by 11 (months of pay). The closest amount to this calculation represents your monthly wage.